Division of Criminal Justice Services

Current Summary of Changes to the Coded Law File

Law File Changes – May 2021

Note: Laws added to the file since the last posted on March 2021 begins with relative address/law ordinal 8739. Be aware, however, that changes/corrections have been made to existing laws. A summary is shown below but may not be complete. We recommend that you overwrite the existing law file with the new one.
With this new posting (and with the more recent ones), a new file format is available to replace the legacy mainframe flat file. The content, however, is based on our Oracle table as the mainframe law table no longer exists due to the decommissioning of our mainframe.


Chapter 92 of the laws of 2021:
*Please note we have added a new article – Article 222

amended Penal Law §222.10 – to add §222.10(00) Restrictions on Cannabis Use, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8739)
amended Penal Law §222.10 – to add subsection §222.10(01) Smoke or Vape Cannabis Where Prohibited, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8740)
amended Penal Law §222.10 – to add subsection §222.10(02) Smoke or Vape Cannabis on School Grounds or School Bus, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8741)
amended Penal Law §222.25 – to add §222.25(00) Unlawful Possession Cannabis – More Than 3 Oz Or 24 Grams, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8742)
amended Penal Law §222.30 – to add §222.30(00) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the Third Degree, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8743)
amended Penal Law §222.30 – to add subsection §222.30(01) Criminal Possession Cannabis 3rd – More Than 16 Oz Cannabis, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8744)
amended Penal Law §222.30 – to add subsection §222.30(02) Criminal Possession Cannabis 3– More Than 5 Oz Concentrated Cannabis, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8745)
amended Penal Law §222.35 – to add §222.35(00) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the Second Degree, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8746)
amended Penal Law §222.35 – to add subsection §222.35(01) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the Second Degree - More than 5lbs, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8747)
amended Penal Law §222.35 – to add subsection §222.35(02) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the Second Degree - More than 2lbs, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8748)
amended Penal Law §222.40 – to add §222.40(00) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the First Degree, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8749)
amended Penal Law §222.40 – to add subsection §222.40(01) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the First Degree - More than 10lbs, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8750)
amended Penal Law §222.40 – to add subsection §222.40(02) Criminal Possession of Cannabis in the First Degree - More than 4lbs Concentrated, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8751)
amended Penal Law §222.45 – to add §222.45(00) Unlawful Sale of Cannabis or Concentrated Cannabis, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8752)
amended Penal Law §222.50 – to add §222.50(00) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the Third Degree, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8753)
amended Penal Law §222.50 – to add subsection §222.50(01) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the Third Degree - More than 3OZ Cannabis/24 Grams Concentrate, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8754)
amended Penal Law §222.50 – to add subsection §222.50(02) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the Third Degree - Def 21 Sell to Person Under 21, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8755)
amended Penal Law §222.55 – to add §222.55(00) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the Second Degree, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8756)
amended Penal Law §222.55 – to add subsection §222.55(01) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the Second Degree - More than 16OZ/5OZ Concentrate, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8757)
amended Penal Law §222.55 – to add subsection §222.55(02) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the Second Degree - Sell to Person Under 18, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8758)
amended Penal Law §222.60 – to add §222.60(00) Criminal Sale of Cannabis in the First Degree - More than 5lbs/2lbs Concentrate, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8759)
amended Penal Law §222.65 – to add §222.65(00) Aggravated Criminal Sale of Cannabis - More than 100lbs, effective March 31, 2021. (Ordinal 8760)
amended Penal Law §179.10 – to add §179.10(00) Criminal Diversion of Medical Cannabis 1 - Unlawful Certification, effective April 01, 2021. (Ordinal 8761)
amended Penal Law §179.11 – to add §179.11(00) Criminal Diversion of Medical Cannabis 2 - Give to Unregistered User, effective April 01, 2021. (Ordinal 8762)
amended Penal Law §179.15 – to add §179.15(00) Criminal Retention of Medical Cannabis - Possess Excess Cannabis, effective April 01, 2021. (Ordinal 8763)

Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2018

amended Penal Law §135.61 – to add subsection §135.61(0H) Hate Crime Coercion Second Degree – Compel Sex Act, effective November 01, 2018. (Ordinal 8764)

Law File Changes:
Added New Ordinals 8739 to 8763 per Chapter 92 of the Laws of 2021
Added New Ordinal 8764 per Chapter 55 of the Laws of 2018

Ordinal 8658 hate crime designation removed.
Ordinal 8583 hate crime designation removed New ordinal for hate crime added (see above).
Ordinal 2665 DNA indicator made null
Ordinal 2666 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2667 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2668 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2669 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2670 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 8545 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 8546 DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 8547 DNA Indicator made null

Ordinal 8608 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 8609 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2560 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2561 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2562 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator changed to 10
Ordinal 2563 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator changed to 10
Ordinal 2564 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2565 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator made null
Ordinal 2566 as of 03/31/2021
Ordinal 2567 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator changed to 10
Ordinal 2568 as of 03/31/2021 - DNA Indicator changed to 10
Ordinal 8420 as of 03/31/2021
Ordinal 8421 as of 03/31/2021
Ordinal 8422 as of 03/31/2021

Archive of Changes: