Division of Criminal Justice Services

NYCLAC Report Standardization Project

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Forensic Biology


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Standardized Report Components

  1. Unique case identifier on each page of report (such as lab number)
  2. Title of the report (such as “report of laboratory analysis”)
  3. Identification of the laboratory
  4. Submitting Agency Information or at a minimum submitting agency
  5. List or explanation of items examined
  6. General indication of methodology utilized
  7. Results/conclusions
  8. Date report issued
  9. Signature and title of examiner (or electronic equivalent)
  10. Pagination of the report (example page 1 of 2 etc)
  11. Statement regarding the report does not constitute the entire case file or equivalent
  12. Statement that definitions of terms used in the report can be located at the DCJS website and if applicable on the laboratory website or attached to report

Additional Discipline Specific Report Components:

  1. Locus or amplification system indicated
  2. A quantitative or qualitative interpretative statement. Calculations are performed and reported on evidentiary DNA profiles that are established as relevant in the context of the case to aid in the assessment of the significance of inclusion.
  3. Disposition of evidence

Standardized Language/Statements

Body Fluid Testing

a) Positive
All body fluid testing results (with the exception of sperm search and P30) will be reported as “Presumptive,” such as “Presumptive testing for blood was positive.” Positive tests for semen are reported by identifying the component of semen that was tested for. A positive sperm search will be reported as “Spermatozoa identified.” A positive P30 test will be reported as “Prostate Specific Antigen was detected.” If multiple tests for semen are done, all results should be in the report.

b) Negative
Negative results for all body fluids will be reported using the words “Not detected,” such as “No blood detected” or “Blood not detected.” A negative sperm search will be reported as “No spermatozoa identified.” A negative P30 test will be reported as “Prostate Specific Antigen was not detected.” A negative Acid Phosphatase test will be reported using the word “Presumptive,” such as “Presumptive testing for semen was negative.” If multiple tests for semen are done, and some of the results are negative, all results should be in the report.

c) Inconclusive
Inconclusive results for all body fluids will be reported using the words “Inconclusive” or “Cannot be determined”.  The report must include a reason why the sample is considered inconclusive.

DNA Analysis

  • If a negative quantitation result is obtained and no further analysis is conducted, the phrase “No DNA detected” will be used.
  • If a positive but very low quantitation result is obtained and no further analysis is conducted, the phrase “Insufficient DNA” will be used.
  • If a sample is amplified and there are no DNA results on the electropherogram, the phrase “No DNA profile/result detected” will be used.
  • If a sample is amplified and the DNA results are inconclusive, the phrase “Not suitable for comparison” will be used. The report must include a reason why the sample is considered inconclusive.
  • When a single-source DNA profile from an evidence (questioned) sample is the same as a known sample, the word to be used is “Match.” The word “Match” will also be used if the evidence profile is a single-source major component of a mixture or is a single-source profile that is deduced from a mixture.
  • If an individual is included as a possible donor to a mixture DNA profile from an evidence sample, it will be reported as either “Cannot be excluded” or “Can be included.”
  • If an individual is excluded as a donor to a single-source evidence sample,the phrase “Does not match” will be used.
  • If an individual is excluded as a possible donor to a mixture DNA profile from an evidence sample, it will be reported as “Excluded as a possible donor/contributor.”

Kinship Analysis

a) Inclusion
“X can be included/cannot be excluded as a relative of Y.”
The statement will be specific as to which relative, such as parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, etc.

b) Exclusion
“X is excluded as a relative of Y.”


Identity Statement

In order to utilize an identity statement, the following must be met:
a) There must be results for at least 9 loci
b) Conditional probability for the sample must be determined
c) The conditional probability must be less than 1/1000 x the relevant population (as determined by the lab)

When these conditions have been met, the wording to be used is “X is the source.”

Y-STR/Mitochondrial DNA

The following statements should be included with match statements for Y-STR and Mitochondrial DNA:
a) Y-STR: “or a paternal relative”
b) Mitochondrial DNA: “or a maternal relative”



Standardized Terms & Definition

Body Fluid Testing

A non-confirmatory test used for detecting the possible presence of biological fluids.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
A protein (also known as P30) produced by the prostate gland and found in semen. PSA concentration in semen is typically in levels far in excess of those found in other fluids.

The male reproductive cell that can be found in semen.

DNA Analysis

An alternative form of DNA markers. Alleles are found in specific areas or locations of the DNA called Loci (Singular: Locus).

Cannot Be Excluded / Is Included
An individual can be a donor to a DNA mixture profile.

Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
A collection of Local, State and National DNA databases.

Differential Extraction
A procedure in which sperm cells are separated from all other cells in a sample, resulting in a Sperm Fraction which is enriched for sperm DNA and a Non-Sperm/Epithelial Fraction which contains DNA from other cell types.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
The inherited genetic material found in most cells.

DNA Amplification Kit
A commercial product used to generate a DNA profile.

An individual cannot be a donor to a DNA profile.

Inconclusive / Not Suitable for Comparison
An interpretation or conclusion in which the DNA typing results are insufficient or too complex, as defined by the laboratory, for comparison purposes.

Alleles that are present in a higher proportion in a DNA mixture profile.

The alleles detected in a questioned/evidence sample are the same as the alleles detected in another sample.

Alleles that are present in a lower proportion in a DNA mixture profile.

A DNA profile that has more than one donor.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
A technique that copies specific areas of DNA.

A measure or estimation of how likely it is that something would occur.

A set of alleles detected in a sample during DNA analysis.

Short Tandem Repeat (STR)
DNA loci with a variable number of short repeating segments.